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Cloud Provider Credentials Management in CAPI#

Cloud provider credentials in Cluster API (CAPI) environments are managed through objects in the management cluster. Credential, ClusterIdentity, and Secret (related to ClusterIdentity) objects handle credential storage and management, while a dedicated ConfigMap object is used as a template to render configuration into child clusters.

Configuration Patterns#

The configuration follows two patterns:

  1. ClusterIdentity Pattern
  2. Uses a ClusterIdentity resource that defines provider identity configuration
  3. References a Secret with credentials
  4. Used by Azure and vSphere in-tree providers

  5. Source Secret Pattern

  6. Uses only a Secret without ClusterIdentity
  7. Secret contains all cloud configuration data
  8. Used by OpenStack in-tree provider

In both cases ConfigMap with template code is used to render configuration into child clusters.

Credential Resource#

The Credential resource provides an abstraction layer by either: - Referencing a ClusterIdentity through identityRef - Directly referencing a Secret, depending on the pattern used

Template ConfigMap#

  • Marked with "true" annotation
  • Contains Go template code for generating child cluster resources via the Sveltos templating system
  • Template processing accesses cluster objects through:
  • Built-in Sveltos variables (Cluster, InfrastructureProvider)
  • getResource function for additionally exposed objects (InfrastructureProviderIdentity, InfrastructureProviderIdentitySecret)

Templating System#

The templating system leverages: - Golang templating - Sprig functions - Sveltos resource manipulation functions


Provider-specific examples are available in *.credentials.yaml files here.

Let's take Azure provider as an example azure-credentials.yaml

Provider Registration#

Providers are registered through YAML configuration files mounted into a predefined path in the manager container at startup using ConfigMap.


Provider configuration examples can be found here

Let's take Azure provider as an example azure.yml, as seen, the definition is straightforward.