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Role Based Access Control#

k0rdent provides the opportunity to use Role Based Access Control in order to try to use the principle of least privilege and only give users access to the objects and resources they absolutely have to have.

What roles do#

k0rdent leverages the Kubernetes RBAC system and provides a set of standard ClusterRole objects with associated permissions. These standard ClusterRole objects are created as part of the k0rdent helm chart. k0rdent roles are based on labels and aggregated permissions, meaning they automatically collect rules from other ClusterRole objects with specific labels.

The following table outlines the roles available in k0rdent, along with their respective read/write or read-only permissions:

Roles Global Admin Global Viewer Namespace Admin Namespace Editor Namespace Viewer
Scope Global Global Namespace Namespace Namespace
k0rdent management r/w r/o - - -
Namespaces management r/w r/o - - -
Provider Templates r/w r/o - - -
Global Template Management r/w r/o - - -
Multi Cluster Service Management r/w r/o - - -
Template Chain Management r/w r/o r/w r/o r/o
Cluster and Service Templates r/w r/o r/w r/o r/o
Credentials r/w r/o r/w r/o r/o
Flux Helm objects r/w r/o r/w r/o r/o
Cluster Deployments r/w r/o r/w r/w r/o

This section provides an overview of all ClusterRole objects available in k0rdent.

Roles summary#


The names of the ClusterRole objects may have different prefixes depending on the name of the k0rdent Helm chart. The ClusterRole object definitions below use the kcm prefix, which is the default name of the k0rdent Helm chart.

Global Admin#

The Global Admin role provides full administrative access across all the k0rdent system.

Name: kcm-global-admin-role

Aggregation Rule: Includes all ClusterRoles with the labels:

  • true
  • true
  • true


  1. Full access to the k0rdent API
  2. Full access to Flux Helm repositories and Helm charts
  3. Full access to Cluster API identities
  4. Full access to namespaces and secrets

Use case

A user with the Global Admin role is authorized to perform the following actions:

  1. Manage the k0rdent configuration
  2. Manage namespaces in the management cluster
  3. Manage ProviderTemplate objects: add new templates or remove unneeded ones
  4. Manage ClusterTemplate and ServiceTemplate objects in any namespace, including adding and removing templates
  5. Manage Flux HelmRepository and HelmChart objects in any namespace
  6. Manage access rules for ClusterTemplate and ServiceTemplate objects, including distributing templates across namespaces using TemplateChain objects
  7. Manage upgrade sequences for ClusterTemplate and ServiceTemplate objects
  8. Manage and deploy Services across multiple clusters in any namespace by modifying MultiClusterService resources
  9. Manage ClusterDeployment objects in any namespace
  10. Manage Credential and Secret objects in any namespace
  11. Upgrade k0rdent
  12. Uninstall k0rdent

Global Viewer#

The Global Viewer role grants read-only access across the k0rdent system. It does not permit any modifications, including the creation of clusters.

Name: kcm-global-viewer-role

Aggregation Rule: Includes all ClusterRole objects with the labels:

  • true
  • true


  1. Read access to k0rdent API
  2. Read access to Flux Helm repositories and Helm charts
  3. Read access to Cluster API identities
  4. Read access to namespaces and secrets

Use case

A user with the Global Viewer role is authorized to perform the following actions:

  1. View the k0rdent configuration
  2. List namespaces available in the management cluster
  3. List and get the detailed information about available ProviderTemplate objects
  4. List available ClusterTemplate and ServiceTemplate objects in any namespace
  5. List and view detailed information about Flux HelmRepository and HelmChart objects in any namespace
  6. View access rules for ClusterTemplate and ServiceTemplate objects, including TemplateChain objects in any namespace
  7. View full details about the created MultiClusterService objects
  8. List and view detailed information about ClusterDeployment objects in any namespace
  9. List and view detailed information about created Credential and Secret objects in any namespace

Namespace Admin#

The Namespace Admin role provides full administrative access within a namespace.

Name: kcm-namespace-admin-role

Aggregation Rule: Includes all ClusterRole objects with the labels:

  • true
  • true


  1. Full access to ClusterDeployment, Credential, ClusterTemplate and ServiceTemplate objects in the namespace
  2. Full access to TemplateChain objects in the namespace
  3. Full access to Flux HelmRepository and HelmChart objects in the namespace

Use case

A user with the Namespace Admin role is authorized to perform the following actions within the namespace:

  1. Create and manage all ClusterDeployment objects in the namespace
  2. Create and manage ClusterTemplate and ServiceTemplate objects in the namespace
  3. Manage the distribution and upgrade sequences of Templates within the namespace
  4. Create and manage Flux HelmRepository and HelmChart objects in the namespace
  5. Manage Credential objects created by any user in the namespace

Namespace Editor#

The Namespace Editor role allows users to create and modify ClusterDeployment objects within namespace using predefined Credential and Template objects.

Name: kcm-namespace-editor-role

Aggregation Rule: Includes all ClusterRole objects with the labels:

  • true


  1. Full access to ClusterDeployment objects in the allowed namespace
  2. Read access to Credential, ClusterTemplate and ServiceTemplate, and TemplateChain objects in the namespace
  3. Read access to Flux HelmRepository and HelmChart objects in the namespace

Use case

A user with the Namespace Editor role has the following permissions in the namespace:

  1. Can create and manage ClusterDeployment objects in the namespace using existing Credential and Template objects
  2. Can list and view detailed information about the Credential objects available in the namespace
  3. Can list and view detailed information about the available ClusterTemplate and ServiceTemplate objects and the Template upgrade sequences
  4. Can list and view detailed information about the Flux HelmRepository and HelmChart objects

Namespace Viewer#

The Namespace Viewer role grants read-only access to resources within a namespace.

Name: kcm-namespace-viewer-role

Aggregation Rule: Includes all ClusterRole objects with the labels:

  • true


  1. Read access to ClusterDeployment objects in the namespace
  2. Read access to Credential, ClusterTemplate, ServiceTemplate, and TemplateChain objects in the namespace
  3. Read access to Flux HelmRepository and HelmChart objects in the namespace

Use case

A user with the Namespace Viewer role has the following permissions in the namespace:

  1. Can list and view detailed information about all the ClusterDeployment objects in the allowed namespace
  2. Can list and view detailed information about Credential objects available in the specific namespace
  3. Can list and view detailed information about available ClusterTemplate and ServiceTemplate objects, and Template upgrade sequences
  4. Can list and view detailed information about Flux HelmRepository and HelmChart objects