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Creating and lifecycle-managing child clusters#

Once you've installed k0rdent, you can use it to create, manage, update and even upgrade clusters.

Deploying a Cluster#

k0rdent is designed to simplify the process of deploying and managing Kubernetes clusters across various cloud platforms. It does this through the use of ClusterDeployment objects, which include all of the information k0rdent needs to know in order to create the cluster you're looking for. This ClusterDeployment system relies on predefined templates and credentials.

A cluster deployment typically involves:

  1. Setting up credentials for the infrastructure provider (for example, AWS, vSphere).
  2. Choosing a template that defines the desired cluster configuration (for example, number of nodes, instance types).
  3. Submitting the configuration for deployment and monitoring the process.

Follow these steps to deploy a standalone Kubernetes cluster tailored to your specific needs:

  1. Create the Credential object

    Credentials are essential for k0rdent to communicate with the infrastructure provider (for example, AWS, Azure, vSphere). These credentials enable k0rdent to provision resources such as virtual machines, networking components, and storage.

    Credential objects are generally created ahead of time and made available to users, so before you look into creating a new one be sure what you're looking for doesn't already exist. You can see all of the existing Credential objects by querying the management cluster:

    kubectl get credentials --all-namespaces

    If the Credential you need doesn't yet exist, go ahead and create it.

    Start by creating a Credential object that includes all required authentication details for your chosen infrastructure provider. Follow the instructions in the chapter about credential management, as well as the specific instructions for your target infrastructure.


    Double-check to make sure that your credentials have sufficient permissions to create resources on the target infrastructure.

  2. Select a Template

    Templates in k0rdent are predefined configurations that describe how to set up the cluster. Templates include details such as:

    • The number and type of control plane and worker nodes
    • Networking settings
    • Regional deployment preferences

    Templates act as a blueprint for creating a cluster. To see the list of available templates, use the following command:

    kubectl get clustertemplate -n kcm-system
    NAME                            VALID
    adopted-cluster-0-1-0           true
    aws-eks-0-1-0                   true
    aws-hosted-cp-0-1-0             true
    aws-standalone-cp-0-1-0         true
    azure-aks-0-1-0                 true
    azure-hosted-cp-0-1-0           true
    azure-standalone-cp-0-1-0       true
    openstack-standalone-cp-0-1-0   true
    vsphere-hosted-cp-0-1-0         true
    vsphere-standalone-cp-0-1-0     true

    You can then get information on the actual template by describing it, as in:

    kubectl describe clustertemplate aws-standalone-cp-0-1-0 -n kcm-system
  3. Create a ClusterDeployment YAML Configuration

    The ClusterDeployment object is the main configuration file that defines your cluster's specifications. It includes:

    • The template to use
    • The credentials for the infrastructure provider
    • Optional customizations such as instance types, regions, and networking

    Create a ClusterDeployment configuration in a YAML file, following this structure:

    kind: ClusterDeployment
      name: <cluster-name>
      namespace: <kcm-system-namespace>
      template: <template-name>
      credential: <infrastructure-provider-credential-name>
      dryRun: <"true" or "false" (default: "false")>

    You will of course want to replace the placeholders with actual values. (For more information about dryRun see Understanding the Dry Run.) For example, this is a simple AWS infrastructure provider ClusterDeployment:

    kind: ClusterDeployment
      name: my-cluster-deployment
      namespace: kcm-system
      template: aws-standalone-cp-0-1-0
      credential: aws-credential
      dryRun: false
        clusterLabels: {}
        region: us-west-2
          instanceType: t3.small
          instanceType: t3.small
    Note that the .spec.credential value should match the value of a created Credential object.

  4. Apply the Configuration

    Once the ClusterDeployment configuration is ready, apply it to the k0rdent management cluster:

    kubectl apply -f clusterdeployment.yaml

    This step submits your deployment request to k0rdent. If you've set dryRun to true you can observe what would happen. Otherwise, k0rdent will go ahead and begin provisioning the necessary infrastructure.

  5. Verify Deployment Status

    After submitting the configuration, verify that the ClusterDeployment object has been created successfully:

    kubectl -n <namespace> get clusterdeployment.kcm <cluster-name> -o=yaml

    The output shows the current status and any errors.

  6. Monitor Provisioning

    k0rdent will now start provisioning resources (for example, VMs and networks) and setting up the cluster. To monitor this process, run:

    kubectl -n <namespace> get cluster <cluster-name> -o=yaml


    For a detailed view of the provisioning process, use the clusterctl describe command (note that this requires the clusterctl CLI):

    clusterctl describe cluster <cluster-name> -n <namespace> --show-conditions all
  7. Retrieve the Kubernetes Configuration

    When provisioning is complete, retrieve the kubeconfig file for the new cluster. This file enables you to interact with the cluster using kubectl:

    kubectl get secret -n <namespace> <cluster-name>-kubeconfig -o=jsonpath={.data.value} | base64 -d > kubeconfig
    You can then use this file to access the cluster, as in:

    export KUBECONFIG=kubeconfig
    kubectl get pods -A

    Store the kubeconfig file securely, as it contains authentication details for accessing the cluster.

Updating a Single Standalone Cluster#

k0rdent ClusterTemplate objects are immutable, so the only way to change a ClusterDeployment is to change the template that forms its basis.

To update the ClusterDeployment, modify the .spec.template field to use the name of the new ClusterTemplate. This enables you to apply changes to the cluster configuration. These changes will then be applied to the actual cluster. For example, if the cluster currently uses t2.large instances, that will be specified in its current template. To change the cluster to use t2.xlarge instances, you would simply apply a template that references that new size; k0rdent will then realize the cluster is out of sync and will attempt to remedy the situation by updating the cluster.

Follow these steps to update the ClusterDeployment:

  1. Patch the ClusterDeployment with the new template

    Run the following command, replacing the placeholders with the appropriate values:

    kubectl patch clusterdeployment.kcm <cluster-name> -n <namespace> --patch '{"spec":{"template":"<new-template-name>"}}' --type=merge
  2. Check the status of the ClusterDeployment

    After applying the patch, verify the status of the ClusterDeployment object:

    kubectl get clusterdeployment.kcm <cluster-name> -n <namespace>
  3. Inspect the detailed status

    For more details, use the -o=yaml option to check the .status.conditions field:

    kubectl get clusterdeployment.kcm <cluster-name> -n <namespace> -o=yaml

Note that not all updates are possible; ClusterTemplateChain objects limit what templates can be applied. Consider, for example, this ClusterTemplateChain:

kind: ClusterTemplateChain
  name: aws-standalone-cp-0-1-0
  namespace: kcm-system
    - name: aws-standalone-cp-0-0-2
        - name: aws-standalone-cp-0-1-0
    - name: aws-standalone-cp-0-1-0

As you can see from the .spec, the aws-standalone-co-0-1-0 template can be applied to a cluster that also uses the aws-standalone-co-0-1-0 template, or it can be used as an upgrade from a cluster that uses aws-standalone-co-0.0.2. You wouldn't be able to use this template to update a cluster that uses any other ClusterTemplate.

Similarly, the AccessManagement object must have properly configured spec.accessRules with a list of allowed ClusterTemplateChain object names and their namespaces. For more information, see Template Life Cycle Management.


Support for displaying all available Cluster Templates for updates in the ClusterDeployment status is planned.


Especially when you are paying for cloud resources, it's crucial to clean up when you're finished. Fortunately, k0rdent makes that straightforward.

Because a Kubernetes cluster is represented by a ClusterDeployment, when you delete that ClusterDeployment, k0rdent deletes the cluster. For example:

kubectl delete clusterdeployment my-cluster-deployment -n kcm-system
ClusterDeployment my-cluster-deployment deleted.

Note that it takes time to delete these resources.